October 8, 2012

And now, for your reading pleasure...

So, remember that last post? It turned out to be Something. And that Something is this:

Yes, Lost In Thought is now available for purchase! By you! And your friends! And everyone!

Go ahead, tell the world!

In all seriousness though, please, go ahead, tell the world! Recommendations are like gold to any author, and I will give you hugs and gratitude for any time you mention Lost In Thought to someone who might enjoy it.

As of right now it's available on Amazon, Koboand iBooks. Nook and Sony are all coming soon.

THANK YOU all, again, a million times, for all the support you've given me and this book. I'm proud to share it with the world.

(And yes, before anyone asks, I still love my other book and it is still entirely in the works. More news on that in the future! For now, enjoy Lost In Thought!)
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  1. Congratulations! I was a fellow ABNA-er and loved the excerpt. I've been rooting for you from afar and anxiously waiting for it get published! Can't wait to read!
